There is everything about you and me in running —— Appreciation of the animation "Strong Wind Blows"

Grey Er said confidently: I will convince everyone, including you.

But he met Grey II and everyone in Zhuqingzhuang.

The whole episode of animation is gloomy and the weather is cloudy, but this depressed atmosphere is blown away by a strong wind with the uplifting voice of everyone.

Grey two is neither an angel nor a demon. He is a reliable senior who really cares about everyone, although he has a lot of tricks. He firmly believed and gave everything for his dream. Although it seems a little out of reach, Grey Er never flinched, kept his feet on the ground and took every step. I believe that everyone who has read the original novel will eventually be moved by Grey II. The human nature in him is so warm and bright.

As an otaku, he has nothing to do with track and field. He was forced to join. Grey Er threatened him that if he didn’t take part in training, he wouldn’t be able to live in Zhuqingzhuang, the dormitory of track and field department. The prince had no money to move, and those cartoons could not be moved, so he had to bite the bullet and take part.

The prodigy was infected by the way Grey Er and A Zou ran hard, and didn’t want to be a drag, but wanted to be everyone’s strength. Challenging Hakone is not only for parents and people in my hometown, but also for challenging and surpassing myself.

It is very interesting that the animation subtitle group of the child prodigy who is drunk and speaks dialect is translated in Northeast dialect.

Yes, many things we usually do are not done because we like them. After doing it, you may like it or hate it. But if you don’t try first, how do you know what will happen?

When I was running, it was the only time that I felt purified. It seems that all the burdens on your shoulders can be forgotten. As long as there is a moment of happiness.

A Xue of rational thinking is a bit too serious, and he is a data school. He opposes Grey II from everyone’s achievements and thinks it is impossible to challenge Hakone’s biography. Ashue is not easily infected by emotions, so she doesn’t understand that everyone accepts it quickly and puts it into action. However, despite her vicious words, Ah Xue still trains honestly with everyone every time, and the results are not bad. He is also a very good person in essence, and his personality is not bad.

Xue doesn’t hate running, but he wants to know what he can get from running, and probably wants to make a list of one, two, three as the legal provisions do. But if you want to know, the first thing is to run and find the answer in the process. Clever snow must understand this, will take your steps.


The fourth episode was changed to "もやし" (bean sprouts).